How to Make THC Avocado Toast
This simple recipe for a fun and flavorful take on traditional avocado toast will truly have your mind and mouth wanting more more more!. Best of all, it’s super simple! Makes a serving for 1 person. However, feel free to double the ingredients or make some for your friends and family.
- 1/2 avocado
- 1 slice of bread
- Dried chili flakes
- 1/2 to 1 packet of Soul D’licious Infused Lemon Pepper Garlic seasoning
Toast bread until crispy and golden brown. Slice avocado, gently spreading it onto the toast. Sprinkle dried chili flakes as desired onto the avocado. Add Soul D’licious Infused Lemon Pepper Garlic seasoning to desired dosage and taste preference. Bon appetite!
Recipe submitted by: @cannabis_in_vegas Food creation by: @vestacoffee

If you’d like to read about other cannabis cooking recipes using Soul D’licious Infused seasonings, check out our spices & recipes page and experience them all for yourself! You can even submit your own recipe ideas on the page as well. So what are you waiting for? Get to cooking and get to eatin’!
We’re homegrown in Las Vegas, Nevada. We embrace niches others in the Cannabis market ignore or reject. Vegan? Diabetic? Gourmet cook? Old-school hash connoisseur? Looking for a specific ratio of CBD and THC in your products? You got it! We’ve got you covered!
Additionally, we care about quality and the effects our products have on people’s lives & health. OMG THC use only CO2 and ethanol extraction methods. We NEVER use butane or other petrochemicals to extract our oils. We want our products to be easy on the body and safe for our team to make.
Our products are simple and they are great. From the cannabis oils, we use to the packaging and the varieties of our products. Finally, and best of all, our edibles are damn delicious! In other words, if we wouldn’t want to eat them, we aren’t going to sell them to anyone else. We NEVER cut our concentrates with anything – period! EVER! We use top-of-the-line C-Cell hardware – always. We ensure quality and purity.
For Adult Use Only
OMG THC products are intended for use by and available to adults 21+ and over. Keep our products out of reach of children and pets. Furthermore, be smart about handling and use, and dosage. Be Vigilant. Keep yourself in check. Finally, enjoy our products responsibly and keep everyone safe.
As always, feel free to Contact OMG THC with any questions or comments you might have. We’re here for you and we’re responsive to your needs. If you’d like to locate OMG THC products, check out our dispensaries list. You can also find out more about OMG THC on Leafly.