OMG THC Has a New Instagram Page?
Yes, it’s true. OMG THC has a new Instagram profile. But why? Well, Instagram decided to randomly delete our account for no reason. Yup. They didn’t tell us anything at any point. And yes, we tried to appeal… and even won. And in the end, our profile never reappeared. Find out more about the whole ordeal and Instagram’s war on Cannabis below.
Why Did Instagram Delete Our Account?
If only we knew. Unfortunately, Instagram (and their parent company Facebook) have been on a rampage against the legal cannabis industry. Both social media platforms have been a tough place to operate in. And it’s been going on for nearly two years. Recently though, Instagram has been randomly deleting profiles. No warnings. No reasons. And nothing sent to inform us of this one-sided decision. Simply gone. And sadly, that’s what happened to our old profile.
According to Mary Jane, “many cannabis businesses have seen individual posts about weed get taken down, or received warnings about their account, but Instagram’s self-policing of weed content has recently gotten even more aggressive.” Additionally, medical cannabis businesses have incurred the same wrath as the recreational shops and edible producers have.
In fact, it’s been happening actively happening to other companies since 2016. According to Vice Magazine, at least two Canadian cannabis companies’ Instagram profiles were removed. In fact, “just days before Lift Cannabis Expo took place in Vancouver, the event’s primary sponsor lost its Instagram account and 11,000 followers along with it.” Furthermore, according to Lift, “none of the photos posted to its Instagram feed depict recreational or black market weed.” Additionally, Tweed, Canada’s largest licensed cannabis producer, had its account shut down twice.
Now, in 2020, things are only getting worse. Instagram’s recent update created waves of confusion both in the cannabis industry and on personal profiles as well. In the span of two weeks, we’ve personally seen the effects of their changes across both platforms. It’s no fun and certainly not fair. But that’s what happens when you allow a single company to police the entire planet.
A Pain in the Bud
We tried, succeeded, and failed to get our old account reactivated. Sounds complicated right? It is. It’s been a real pain in the bud, to say the least. And worst of all, there’s been no resolution. In fact, it’s become apparent that Facebook’s algorithm is so complex and mystifying that non of their staff understand how to deal with it. They’re clueless.
At first, we appealed the decision. And shockingly, they got back to us a few days later. They apologized for the inconvenience and said our profile had been deleted by mistake. Additionally, they said that our profile had been reinstated and was back up on the platform. We checked… and it wasn’t. So, we tried again, sent another appeal form in, and specified that we had already won the appeal and that nothing was back to normal. We won that appeal too. However, nothing happened. We tried again, three more times but still, no matter how many times we won the appeal, nothing came of it. After all that, our profile was still MIA nearly two weeks later.

We Thought We Had It!
Finally, we actually managed to speak to a human being at Facebook about our Instagram profile’s deletion. This task, in and of itself, is nearly impossible to orchestrate. For those who don’t know or who’ve never tried. Facebook has no public contact information available. In fact, they do everything they can to avoid speaking to anyone about anything.
However, they recently implemented a program where advertisers could call and talk with a rep about their ad accounts. Of course, we aren’t allowed to advertise on Facebook because of the nature of our business. But, it was a way to actually talk with someone about the issues we were having. It took some time but we finally successfully scheduled a call with them. Their rep flaked and didn’t get back to us for another three days. Then we rescheduled the call. And finally, it happened!
We were so excited to get through to a person to talk about the issues we were having. However, our rep was absolutely no help. He had no idea how the platform worked or why things had been happening recently. After sending him the documents sent to us from Instagram stating that we had won our appeal, he submitted tickets but had no answers. He asked for us to repeat the process two more times. We did. And he still had no idea how to help.
In the end, we turned it over to him and he promised he would get the issue forwarded to their tech team. Additionally, he said he would get back to us. He never did. At this point, nearly one month later, we gave up hope of getting the issue resolved. Consequently, we decided to create a brand new page. As a result, we lost years of work and all of our followers. It was a very defeating process. And worst of all, there’s nothing saying it won’t happen again next time. In fact, we’re pretty much counting on it.
Join Us on Our New Instagram Page
For now, because we love socializing with you (and apparently we’re gluttons for punishment), we created a new Instagram page for OMG THC. You can find it here. Be sure to keep up on our latest blogs, Soul D’licious Infused Podcast Episodes, and day-to-day fun.
We hope you’ll enjoy it as much as our last account. And hopefully, this one will be left alone by the powers that be. However, if you’re worried about it being taken down again, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter. That way, we can always keep in touch.
We love and appreciate you all,
We’re homegrown in Las Vegas, Nevada. We embrace niches others in the Cannabis market ignore or reject. Vegan? Diabetic? Gourmet cook? Old-school hash connoisseur? Looking for a specific ratio of CBD and THC in your products? You got it! We’ve got you covered!
Additionally, we care about quality and the effects our products have on people’s lives & health. OMG THC use only CO2 and ethanol extraction methods. We NEVER use butane or other petrochemicals to extract our oils. We want our products to be easy on the body and safe for our team to make.
Our products are simple and they are great. From the cannabis oils, we use to the packaging and the varieties of our products. Finally, and best of all, our edibles are damn delicious! In other words, if we wouldn’t want to eat them, we aren’t going to sell them to anyone else. We NEVER cut our concentrates with anything – period! EVER! We use top of the line C-Cell hardware – always. We ensure quality and purity.
For Adult Use Only
OMG THC products are intended for use by and available to adults 21+ and over. Keep our products out of reach of children and pets. Be smart. Be Vigilant. Finally, enjoy our products responsibly and keep everyone safe.
As always, feel free to Contact OMG THC with any questions or comments you might have. We’re here for you and we’re responsive to your needs. If you’d like to locate our products, check out our dispensaries list. You can also find out more about OMG THC on Leafly.